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Payne School was established in 1858 and operated as a school until about 1970
The property for the school was given by the Payne family. Many times the family that gave land for a school to be built on had the school named for them. In 1880 it was valued at $300.00. For over one hundred years this little building served Solon Township children and 1971 has been a part of the museum. The last teacher to teach here was Milly Mullhauser.
The Odell General store was located at 44 S. Main street. This building was the first structure to be built after the great fire of 1884. It has housed many businesses over the years and today H & R Block has thier tax business there.
In this picture we can see the old Gun Tavern (the second building) with cars from the early 1020's.
Listen to an episode about the Cedar Springs Library with Museum Director Sharon Jett on the spotify podcast "Preservation Oaks". Click here!
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© Cedar Springs Museum 2024. All rights reserved. Website by ebentitusgardner.com
123 Main St. Cedar Springs, MI, 49319
Every Wednesday, 10 AM to 5 PM, unless Cedar Springs Public Schools are closed due to weather advisory.