This page will host the history of our Red Flannel Queens
The page is under construction, we invite you to email us any Queen pictures you may have. We hope to eventually have all 85 years represented here.
This project was started by a man who moved here and fell in love with our community and the history of the Red Flannel Festival.
Write a short text about your service
Keith Schuldt married a Cedar Springs lady, Ariadne Winquist. He settled here and fell in love with Cedar Springs and the coommunity that welcomed him so graciously. He wanted to give back to Cedar Springs. Keith's idea was to collect and organize a tribute to all Red Flannel Queens. Ariadne's sister was the 2nd Red Flannel Queen in 1940, which may have fueled Keith's dedication to the project.
Keith put a lot of work into gathering photos and information but sadly he became ill and and passed away before finishing the project. His wife asked the museum to finish his project and passed all the material and even his computers to us. We still had a lot of work ahead of us even with all Keith did. We are now at the point of trying to add everything we have to this web page.
We welcome any pictures you may have to add to this historical project. You can either email them to us or bring them to the museum and we will scan them.

Keith Schuldt
2022 Haly Van Kampen– (Court) Brie Cummings, Alecia Alber
2021 Maddie Radebach-(Court) Re’Anna Foreman, Natalie Pierson
2020 No Festival (COVID)
2019 Bella Mosqueda-(Court) Paige Marsman, Makayla Pierce
2018 Zoe Castor – (Court) Alyssa Washington, Harlow Hovarter
2017 Jenna Alcumbrack – (Court) Morgan Nauta, Emily Pierson
2016 Mumina Ciise – (Court) Kaley Louck, Madison Case
2015 Bailey Lachniet – (Court) Jessica Plowman, Megan Zinn
2014 Melissa Maguire – (Court) Kaleigh Keech, Ellie Ovokaitys
2013 Alexis Lucarelli – (Court) Hannah Sommer, Julianne Schut
2012 Dani George – (Court) Jordyn Nichols, Kellie Spahr
2011 Tranaya Verstrat – (Court) Kaitlyn Caron, Esther Couturier
2010 Tinsley Nulph – (Court) Samantha McGahan, Kayla Ovokaitys
2009 Jenna Johnson – (Court) Audriana Boomgaard, Kali Oberdorfer
2008 Breeann Ovokaitys – (Court) LeAnne Bailey, Kaitlin Dault
2007 Kaleigh Rosenberger – (Court) Leah Haadsma, Rebecca Newland
2006 Rebecca Tackmann – (Court) Kristina Major, Samantha Pennington
2005 Samantha Heuwagen – (Court) Lauren Cavner, Brittany Hansen
2004 Erika Childs – (Court) Jamie Innis, Danielle Millering, Lindsey Gates, Rebekah Visser
2003 Melissa Marquez – (Court) Dani Lauer, Sarah Noreen, Radine Towns, Kale Tissue
2002 Melissa Arszulowicz – (Court) Ashley Badge, Ashley Christensen, Amy Millering, Amber Roberts
2001 Kristi McGahan – (Court) Rebecca Cruce, Melissa Harding, Gabrielle Olson, Mary Perea
2000 Beth Groner – (Court) Jennie Benjamin, Ashley Ducat, Jamie Kubik, Allison VanOs
1999 Cara Stark – (Court) Lindy Heiss, Marianne Rokicki, Jenny Wallace
1998 Kelly Zylstra – (Court) Elizabeth Lundholm, Marie Poll, Tiffany Nelson, Heather Swope
1997 Becky Dignum – (Court) Alina McDermed, Karla Dubridge, Kay Anthony, Jessica Pike
1996 Autumn Waite – (Court) Stacey Goosen, Abbey Phelps, Jennifer Sabinas, Erin Shellenbarger
1970 Terri Zelinski – (Court) Terri Riggle, Sue Waite, Danette Thurston
1969 Beth Nehring – (Court) Kathy Ingraham, Rebecca Brown, Debbie DeGood
1968 Debbie Helsel & Mary Clouse – (Court) Betty Jane Hawley, Marsha Schuitema
1967 Bonnie Frechette – (Court) Julie Hamilton, Connie Gebhardt, Beth Gould
1966 Mary Felix – (Court) Patti Bremmer, Barbara Anderson, Mary Frank
1965 Judy Shaffer & Vawn Helenius – (Court) Mary Frank, Nancy Castle
1964 Darlene Thurston – (Court) Sue Brooks, Nancy Castle, Judy Shaffer
1963 Sandra MacTavish – (Court) Pam Martin, Barbara Anderson, Susan Karasinski
1962 Loretta Stickler – (Court) Carol Kidder, Sandra MacTavish, Nancy McAnally
1961 Sharon Castle – (Court) Carol Grannis, Judy Dolan, Sally Emmory
1960 Sally Morris – (Court) Sally Lou Emmory, Sarah Jane Kolk, Lee Ann Riggle, Wilma Reed
1959 Eileen Miller – (Court) Julie Korcal, Ardena Clingan, Francene Rowley
1958 Martha Newell – (Court) Sally Morris, Judy Korcal, Mary McInnis, Judy Winter
1957 Peggy Beals – (Court) Kaye Hesburn, Freda Kay Hart, Janice Johnson
1956 Dionna Shaffer – (Court) Freda Kay Hart, Kaye Hesburn, Myrtle Brooks, Sandra Castle
1955 Joan Kaines – (Court) Myrtle Brooks, Gerry Hoover
1954 Barbara Beremand – (Court) Louise Neaman, Patsy Korcel
1953 Trudy Gruber – (Court) All Contestants
1952 Darlene Lawson – (Court) All Contestants
1951 Susie Wheeler – (Court) All Contestants
1950 Marlene Heiss – (Court) All Contestants
1949 Darlene Towns – (Court) All Contestants
1948 Jean Towns – (Court) All Contestants
1941 Jean Thrall – (Court) Esther Sullivan, Mary Jane Wheeler
1940 Maxine Yeargin – (Court) Eva Fuller, Phyllis Bradley
1939 Maxine Smith – (Court) All Contestants
1995 Stacey Phelps – (Court) Kelly Kemppainen, Tracy Perea, Tiffany Stevenson, Kerry Potter
1994 Erin Hart – (Court) Michelle Hardenburg, Mandy Keech, April VanAssen, Kerri Zank
1993 Memory Rodriguez – (Court) Jacqueline Bremmer, Jamie Lange, Jennifer Mol, Amber Paauwe
1992 Laura Allen – (Court) Shellie Bratt, Jennifer Lange, Stacy Little, Christa Strotheide
1991 Paige Lemery – (Court) Tina Boehm, Lynette Fitzpatrick, Julie-Anne Johnson, Kara Wiles
1990 Michelle Strickland – (Court) Amy Patin, Nicole Smith, Kelley Young, Stephenie Phelps
1989 Cynthia Wilcome – (Court) Mary Kay Edison, Marcy Lang, Michelle Feyers, Lisa McClendon
1988 Dawn Stephan – (Court) Kelly Fitzgerald, Lissa Geglio, Becky Maddox, Beckee Sturgeon
1987 Theresa Bartlett – (Court) Kerilin Smith, Brenda Magoon, Annie Bailey
1986 Mary VanderWal – (Court) Mandy Klooster, Susie Hordyk, Carla Jamison, Wendy Hawley
1985 Lisa Stoner – (Court) Dorothy Sagorski, Traci Stoner, Tammi Caldwell, Janet Cornell
1984 Colleen Baty – (Court) Suzy Stoner, Kwyn Hansen, Shelly Joldersma, Barbara Sharp
1983 Amy Powell – (Court) Michelle Cole, Stacia Fletcher, Kim Stiles, Jeana Hunn
1982 Cheryl Lehman – (Court) Heidi Baker, Lisa Dye, Jill Fisk, Lorrie Reynolds
1981 Janet Shaw – (Court) Cathy Caswell, Jill Spidel, Donna Aungst, Marci Kniff
1980 Lori DeYoung – (Court) Chris Bengston, Cherryl Singleton, Heidi Zank, Teresa VanderHaag
1979 Nadine Fisk – (Court) Carleen Musshorn, Betsi Burkhart
1978 Cathy Covell – (Court) Mary Ann Naffziger, Sue Simmons, Brooke Engleman
1977 Shelli Simmons – (Court) Katie O’Dowd, Karen Hall, Darci Nielsen
1976 Paula McCaul – (Court) Anna Crites, Marjie Waller, Nancy Viens
1975 Cheryl Hall – (Court) Sue MacKinnon, Sandy Doyle, JeDonne Watson
1974 Lisa Viens – (Court) Connie Naffziger, Betty Vinton, Dawn Jackson
1973 Barb Clark – (Court) Laura O’Dowd, Mary Kolehouse, Terri Hill
1972 Pat Feutz – (Court) Olivia Richner, Debbie Nielsen, Terri Saboo
1971 Diane Goller – (Court) Teri Covell, Karen Holton, Sandy Robinson
The First Ten Years, 1939 to 1949
1939.... Maxine Smith The First Red Flannel Queen

1940....2nd Red Flannel Queen Maxine Yeargin

1942 to 1947 were the years during and just after WWII. Cedar Springs did not hold the Red Flannel Festival or the queen contest during these years.
1941.... 3rd Red Flannel Queen Jean Thrall
1949.... 5th Red Flannel Queen Darlene Towns
1948.... 4th Red Flannel Queen Jean Towns

Pictures found on this page are available at the Cedar Springs Museum. We have newspaper articles and many pictures, come in and check us out.

1950 to 1960
1950.... 6th Red Flannel Queen Marliene Heiss

1951.... 7th Red Flannel Queen Susie Wheeler

1952-1956... No pictures available
1978... Red Flannel Queen Cathy Covell

1979... Red Flannel Queen Nadine Fisk

1980... Red Flannel Queen Lori DeYoung

1984... Red Flannel Queen Colleen Baty

1985... Red Flannel Queen Lisa Stoner

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123 Main St. Cedar Springs, MI, 49319
Every Wednesday, 10 AM to 5 PM, unless Cedar Springs Public Schools are closed due to weather advisory.